Page 11 - Eden_05_06_2018
P. 11
A family trip is a chance to catch your breath, take care of yourself and build relationships with
those closest to you. Where can you go on holiday with children to have a good and satisfying rest?
There are more and more SPA centers preparing offers for families with children. We have chosen
the best proposals for you.
family trip is an important the children to a playground, because
event. Children have their pa- of the lack of security there and of co-
rents to themselves exclusively urse there is the problem with the we-
A and basically, nothing more ather, it might be cold and rainy. What
is needed for everyone to be happy. to do with the children? The SPA is a
However, hotels are making a great problem also because children are not
effort so that holiday occasions are as allowed. All in all a difficult time, im-
appealing as possible and the shared possible to spend a nice time together.
family time will be exceptional. Trips around the area are also not an
For a long time we have been pro- option, because the nearest tourist
moting joint trips with children to SPA attractions are about an hour away by
and Wellness facilities, assuming that car (with a child that’s an expedition!).
we have never been to a Wellness style And attractions for children within a
resort from an early age. Children who radius of 80 km for a cure? Difficult to
follow their parents who lead a healthy find. In a word – failed holiday! By the
lifestyle, take care of their body, spirit end of the holiday we have managed to Children have completely
and mind, will learn to do the same. survive only because we paid in advan-
That is why we recommend the 20 best ce and it would be a shame to throw different needs and
places in Poland. Families are welcome, the money away. preferences than those
children are looked after in a special Next time we will take a closer look
way and there are plenty of attractions at this ‘bargain offer’ - we promise our- of adults
waiting for everyone. In each of these selves as we return home exhausted.
SPA the children will have a great time And it could be completely different!
and parents can have a rest. How to plan a successful holiday accepts most of the food given to him
with children? Where to go to spend a or her, or is being breast fed, juices and
RUNNING... READY... HOLIDAY! fantastic vacation? How to choose the any other familiar blends are enough.
After the yearly exertions of everyday right hotel? The only need is to be close to their
life, a good rest is needed. For parents parents to be happy and this can be
and children. That’s why we look for FROM INFANT TO TEENAGER easily organised during the holidays.
bargain offers and hope for a dream First of all, when planning a vacation It is completely different with child-
holiday. Off for two weeks at the seasi- with children, you should remember ren between 1 and 3 years of age. It’s a
de. Exactly what we need! So we pack that they have completely different difficult age to travel. The child already
our belongings and off we go! needs and preferences than those of has his or her own opinion on each to-
Unfortunately, the reality can be adults. Unlike us, they live in a little pic (usually completely different from
very far from what we had imagined. world of their own. What fascinates us, ours), and the favourite word now is,
The sea turns out to be too big! And for them can be incomprehensible or „No”, which does not help the holiday
frightening (because fish and other even frightening. What is completely plans and can cause storms during any
monsters swim in it) and too cold, the ordinary or even boring for us, they idyll holiday. You need to be equip-
sand burns your feet and sticks to eve- perceive as very interesting. Of course, ped with some angelic patience. For a
rything, meals are not very good (and it depends on the age of the child. It 2-year-old, fixed holidays in one place
there is nothing for the children), and is best to find some middle ground with good playing facilities (a playgro-
the room is too small (that is: there is between the needs of the child and the und and a playroom for bad weather)
no place to play in case of inclement adults. are the best, and for sightseeing there
weather). Our children don’t have a Contrary to appearances, the dream is always the zoo, nature museums and
proper holiday. And what about the companion is an infant (preferably be- palace parks.
parents? There is stress because our tween 3 and 8 months old), because as With a kindergarten, things sho-
children won’t eat as a protest so we the name infant suggests – he or she uld work out quite well, but a certain
have to go to the nearest grocery shop does not say much, sleeps a lot, will cooperation has to be attained so that
to buy their favorite delicacies so they not run away and not get lost because the holiday plans are a success for all
have something to eat. We cannot send they haven’t started walking. The child of the family. The stakes are high for
06-15_Rodzina_w_SPA_raport.indd 11 2018-06-06 00:40:11