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A WEEKEND WITH CLASS                                                ENGLISH VERSION

                                         TWO DAYS

                        IN BIO VITAL PARADISE

                       In two days can you relax completely, recover peace and serenity, using only
                     a natural ritual sounding like chants of a mantra? Staying at Manor House SPA,
                          the best holistic SPA in Poland proved to me that it is not only possible
                                             but surprisingly effective.

                                          TESTED AND RELAXED: MAREK ZAKRZEWSKI

                   As a rationalist, I drove to the Manor House   ged and well-equipped, but its greatest
                   SPA in Chlewiska with the full conviction   asset is its crystal-clear, unrivaled Grander-
                   that I knew everything about myself and   -stimulated water.
                   I would not be surprised by any magical   The first relaxation-health treatment
                   tricks. After two days, it turned out that   was the biodynamic cranio-sacral therapy.   POLISH BIO
                   I had never been so wrong about myself.  During a session of delicate hand massa-
                     As I drove the modern hybrid version   ge mixed with stronger kneading of the   VITALITY CENTER
                   of the BMW 330E, I felt all the weight of   knees by a physiotherapist, I was to focus
                   a heavy day or even a week of work on me.   on relaxation and silence. Immobilised on   The Holistic Alchemy Academy of Health is
                   Inside I expected that this original SPA will   a couch for a time I felt naked with my own   an innovative rejuvenation program that
                   be everything as usual, that is, relaxation   emotions exposed and helpless against the   includes natural therapies that stimulate the
                   and rejuvenation during the traditional   positive energy of the emanating touch with   cellular self-healing processes and effectively
                   massage and relaxation treatments.    all awareness of my negative experiences   cleanse and unblock the flow of energy.
                                                         and fears leaving me.
                   A PLACE WITH POSITIVE ENERGY            Then there was the colour therapy in   •  Treatments: the first in Poland cle-
                   My trip started innocently. A view of the   which a beam of light of a particular wave-  ansing and regenerating resin ba-
                   large, beautifully maintained English park,   length and colour passed through the Vogel   ths, reflexology of the face and feet,
                   the restored Odrowąż Palace and the Plater   crystals. Using their energy transfer ability   lymphatic drainage and massages with
                   stables was immediately positive. The enti-  they were directed to the corresponding cha-  face bubble with results comparable
                   re spacious but extremely atmospheric ho-  kras, strengthening their energetic fields.  to Botox. Borderless quantum phy-
                   tel and recreation complex was enveloped   The next morning I was in the Castle   siotherapy with millimetre waves and
                   in greenery, so before I reached the palace   Therm for facial reflexology. This time, the   biomechanical muscle stimulation
                   park, which contained one of the hotel's   nerve endings corresponding to the internal   (BMS), healing ofuro baths, magnetic
                   three rooms, I was able to absorb a good   organs were stimulated. In addition to im-  acupressure with HACI bubbles and
                   dose of pure relaxation. Manor House SPA   proving blood microcirculation, the overall   multidimensional cranio-sacral therapy
                   is an absolutely unique place, filled with   appearance of the skin and reducing swelling   called breath of life.
                   eastern symbolism and good energy. Full   it helps to calm and relieve stress. And with   •  Crystal chrysanthemum opening the-
                   of chakras, mandala, pyramids, places of   it what appeared to be the lightness of the   rapy: harmonises chakras, strengthens
                   power and meditation, and natural health   upper half of the head was released. The clo-  energy flow.
                   giving rituals. Thanks to them a holistic   sing of the two-day cycle was a session in the   •  Bio Vital Therapy: energetic session in
                   balance between body, mind, emotions and   Bio vital Chamber, combining the advanta-  the Bio Vitality Room on warm sto-
                   soul can be built here.               ges of all therapies: music-, magneto-, litho-,   ne matting with harmonious chakra
                     In addition to many traditional relaxa-  jono- and thermotherapy. Half an hour spent   music or Tibetan gongs and bowls,
                   tion and rejuvenating massages, the SPA   on a heated mat and relaxing music was   which spreads around the plasma. This
                   offers Chinese and Tibetan medicine health   enough to be able to float away, slightly.  has a harmonising effect on the soul,
                   therapies and the benefits of nature and the   The summary of the two-day treatment   body and mind, increases bio vitality,
                   modern discoveries of science. These are   was positive. I felt better about the blue sky   strengthens the body and stimulates
                   meant to strengthen the body, to organize   than the day before - I was rested, there was   its ability to regenerate.
                   emotions, and to activate self-healing, rege-  no intrusive pursuit of thoughts and anxie-  •  Eeman Plasma Balance System: stream-
                   neration and the processes of regulation to   ty. What and how did it work? Magic? Na-  lines the flow of chi energy through the
                   rid you of the many ailments that conven-  ture? Science? It does not matter. As most   meridians in the human body. Equalises
                   tional medicine cannot cope with.     of us are completely deaf to the signals sent   the energy potential in the body. It pro-
                                                         by our bodies we are advised to come to the   motes muscle relaxation, supports sleep,
                   SELF-HEALING                          Manor House SPA for a few treatments or   regenerates and improves work ability.
                   As tradition demands I started at the pool.   for a longer rest. New, previously unknown
                   This manor house is spacious, well-arran-  experience guaranteed.                                   n

                                                                                                    CZERWIEC-LIPIEC 2017   |  EDEN |   27

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