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                                  GENETIC CODE

                    Our cells contain information about the structure of our organism, i.e. the genetic
                      code. The nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, which in turn
                   contain about 23,000 genes. Here, information about us and our ancestors is saved!
                                 Genetic tests allow this information to be deciphered.

                                               TEXT: DR JUSTYNA ZALEWSKA

                   For the first time, information about DNA
                   research was dispersed widely throughout   GENETIC PROPHYLACTIC
                   the world during the case of the preventive   RESEARCH
                   mastectomy operation which Angelina Jolie
                   underwent. Then we all learned that there   In Poland, at least one million genetic
                   are methods to aid in the calculation of   tests are carried out annually. Increasin-
                   the probability that we will develop cancer.   gly, you can find offers of tests related to
                   These may be the basis for taking specific   cancer. They are based on a rooted fear of   TUMOUR
                   action, though not always as radical as in   cancer, but can they really determine the   MARKERS
                   the case of the well-known actress.   risk of this condition? Can you test your
                                                         susceptibility to lung cancer, melanoma,   Most often people with a genetic predispo-
                   FATHERS, CRIMINALS AND                colon cancer, ovary, breast, prostate or   sition for cancer and those who are already ill
                   PATIENTS                              all of these diseases at the same time        undergo tumour marker tests.
                                                         using a genetic test? Genetic-oncologists
                   The analysis of each human’s genome con-  agree that only 10 percent of cancer has
                   tains thousands of pieces of information   a genetic basis. Cancer is primarily an   Researchers and doctors explain that
                   about different genetic variants. The num-  environmental disease – associated, for   the elevated level of the tumour marker
                   ber of these variants is so large and they   example, with an unhealthy lifestyle.   is not always indicative of cancer and
                   are so variable that there are no two people   Some people may be genetically burdened   vice versa. The normal, standard level of
                   with the same genetic structure. Analysing   and have gene mutations that increase   the marker is not a guarantee of health.
                   this information requires vast knowledge   the risk of cancer. But only some people.   Monitoring the level of the marker in
                   and experience. There are many different   This applies to breast or ovarian cancer,   patients makes it possible for doctors
                   tests. Some are used to identify genetic   as well as thyroid, colon, retinoblastoma   to assess the effectiveness of treatment
                   diseases. Others can detect such changes in   or prostate cancer. If there have been   and the severity of the disease. The low
                   genes that can be the cause of a disease in   tumours in your family you must go to   level of the marker after the application
                   the future - as in the case of Angelina Jolie.   the doctor and carry out the appropriate   of the therapy shows its effectiveness,
                   There are tests where we discover that we   tests. However, doing genetic testing on   and its systematically increasing value
                   are carriers of a disease, e.g. cystic fibro-  your own is a waste of time and money,   may be the first symptom of relapse.
                   sis. Others allow you to see how the body   many of them have no value. Not to men-  Among people with genetic predispo-
                   reacts to various active substances used in   tion the fact that the correct interpreta-  sition to cancer, the markers of: breast,
                   medicine, which diet is the best for you,   tion is just as important as the quality of   ovarian, prostate or pancreatic cancers
                   or what person has a predisposition from   the tests.                         have to be checked.
                   the appraisal of normal body weight. There
                   are also tests that help confirm or exclu-  PERSONALISED MEDICINE
                   de (with 100% certainty) paternity. Their   Why does cancer in one patient respond
                   effectiveness is extremely high!      to a drug and not respond in another?
                     The most important feature of DNA is   Why are cancer relapses resistant to
                   its uniqueness, which means that each of   treatment that was previously effective?
                   us has their own unique set of genes. It is   Genetic tests help answer these qu-
                   thanks to this property that DNA analysis   estions. The development of personali-  with therapy that has no chance of working.
                   permits the unambiguous identification of   sed medicine based on clinical, genetic   Personalised medicine is the medicine of
                   a person which can be used, for example   and environmental data that is unique   the future. In combination with personali-
                   in forensics, to apprehend criminals. Even   to each patient is an answer to these   sed pharmacogenetics it is a unique method
                   a trace amount of biological material left   questions. The goal of personalised   that will lead to a breakthrough in the ap-
                   at the crime scene can help solve a case   medicine is to help the doctor decide   proach to health challenges that we face in
                   quickly.                              on the treatment strategy, or to avoid   the next millennium.                                  n
                                                         unnecessary costs and risks associated

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