Page 44 - Eden_05_06_2018
P. 44
A holiday vacation on the Polish coast does not have to be only some nice relaxation and good
fun, but also a beneficial cure. And in addition to sea and sun bathing, you can also take these
medicinal products.
Kołobrzeg is called „the pearl of the perfect conditions for sea baths and began to develop. Each natural medicine
Baltic Sea”. It is the largest Polish health walks, an the 150-meter difference in institute in Świnoujście allows treatment
resort, whose fame goes 200 years back. levels is used in field therapy. The longes of the following diseases: respiratory
Its reputation is proved by the fact that as wooden quay in Europe is a place for rec- disease, cardiovascular, dermatological,
early as in the 1938 the resort of Kołobrzeg reational and therapeutic walks – iodine circulatory system, motor organs as well
was on the first place among 125 health concentration on the parts located at the as obesity and after mastectomy treat-
resorts in Germany. Today, the city is end of that quay is twice as high as on ment. Additionally, it is possible to use
inhabited by ca. 45 000 people, and in the shore. All these assets of the city resulted the cabinets of cryotherapy, electro- and
summer this number is even four times in the fact that in 1999 Sopot gained the photo-therapy, hydrotherapy.
higher. The wealth that determines the status of a health resort.
health resort’s role includes: mineral wa- The sanatoriums of Sopot, located Ustka is a sunny seaside resort, vibrant
ter, saline – aldo called liquid gold, ther- both at the seaside and in the vicinity regardless of the weather or time of year.
apeutic peat – black gold, as well as local of forest areas, offer a rich program of This is due to the SPA nature of the town.
microclimate and exceptional quantity health, rehabilitation and biological The origins of watering place at the
of greenery. This unique combination of regeneration treatments. Additionally, mouth of the Słupia date back to year
natural resources allows the city to offer many SPA centres function in the city, 1800, when first summer vacationers
a wid e range of health and cosmetic ser- where one can take care of the body started to come here to relax. At the
vices. Visitors of the health resort are, first and relax in a complex way. A spring of beginning of the 20th century, the Bal-
for all, persons with respiratory system, saline extracted form the depth of 800 neotherapy Institute had 22 cabins for
cardiovascular and locomotor system con- m has been active in Sopot since 1997. Is medical treatment. Ustka received the
ditions, rheumatological and endocrine is used for baths in a therapeutic pool, official status of a health resort town on
diseases, as well as diabetes. Kołobrzeg inhalations in two commonly available 1 January 1988. Illnesses of the musculo-
is also a renown health resort where the „Inhalation Mushrooms” as well as – af- skeletal system and rheumatics, respi-
youngest patients get help in treatment of ter diluting – for drinking. ratory, cardiovascular and metabolism
many diseases. Kołobrzeg creates also a illnesses are treated here. The favourable
perfect conditions for active rest. One can Świnoujście is situated on the Land of 44 littoral climate, the surrounding pine for-
walk along the seaside promenade, rest Islands, only three of which are inhab- ests, the beautiful sandy beaches, air rich
on the beach, use pedestrians and cycling ited. The resort area is located on the in iodine, are all the advantages of Ustka.
routes, try sea and river angling, water Uznam Island. Then there are the curative brine and
sports and diving in search for old wrecks, What make Świnoujście famous? First of mud baths used in health and SPA treat-
view flights, paragliding and horse rides. all, the widest and cleanest Polish beach ments, sanatoriums with long traditions
10 km long and over 100 m wide. Wide and elegant, modern SPA hotels – they
Sopot, suspended between the sea shore dune field and coniferous forests, resin- all meet the expectations of the most de-
and moraine hills of the Tri-city Land- ous aroma of which blend with the sea manding guests. Of all the famous resorts
scape Park, with four kilometers of clean breeze, separate the land. First vacation- on the Polish coast, Ustka is the smallest
beaches and green areas occupying 60% ists enjoyed the beautiful location and the one. In the summer it becomes largely
of the city is very attractive and unique sea climate already at the beginning of a family resort. During the rest of the
resort. the 19th century. The first Cure House with year, the streets are the domain of health
The wonderful character of the city was baths – where the sea water was trans- resort visitors. The health resort facilities
appreciated already in the 19th century ported in barrels – was erected in 1826. create a season that lasts all year round,
by J.J. Haffner, who started spa activities After discovery of the medical brine, in and health tourism focuses both on med-
here. The beautiful wide beaches create the late 1800s, the genuine health resort ical, beauty and SPA treatments.
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