Page 63 - Eden_3_4_2018
P. 63
Why do some people enjoy life and others are sad and constantly complaining? GENES AND
Scientists are increasingly seeing the cause is in our DNA record. THE CLIMATE
TEXT: ELŻBIETA BOGUŁAWSKA-PRZYBYSZ The workings of the FAAH happiness gene
can be inhibited or supported by the country’s
Recently, a group of scientists, led by London School of Economics examined the economic and political situation, its history,
Michael Minkova from The Varna Univer- 5-HTTLPR gene responsible for the trans- as well as the climate.
sity of Technology in Bulgaria and Michael port of serotonin.
Bond from the Hong Kong Polytechnic, Everyone has two versions of this gene; In countries where there is less sun, the
announced that the happiest people in the they can be the same or different lengths. FAAH gene A allele is more common -
world are residents of Northern Europe Those who have both long versions can hence the Scandinavians did so well.
(Sweden and Denmark), West Africa (inc- enjoy the most in life. Researchers also Among Rwandan residents, the level
luding Ghana and Nigeria) and northern looked at people who have both versions of of happiness grows as the memories
Latin America (Mexico and Colombia). the 5-HTTLPR short gene and noticed in of the 1994 genocide recede, and the
Their DNA was found to contain a specific them the greatest tendency to depression. Egyptians are in decline as a result of
strain (A allele) of the FAAH gene. It inhi- However, the effect of such genes depends events in recent years. And what is it like
bits the breakdown of anandamide, incre- on previous experiences. Those who had here? In Poland, the specific FAAH gene
asing the sense of pleasure and resistance a traumatic childhood (were beaten or occurs quite often, but in the feeling of
to pain. Anandamide is released during molested, experienced a loss of a loved one happiness we are hindered by a difficult
sleep, relaxation and physical exercise. If during this period), and had short genes, in history and an unstable situation. The
it remains in the body for a long time, it their adult life they are usually pessimistic. same applies to other residents in our
permanently improves the mood. In contrast, happy children with these genes area, e.g. Russians and Estonians.
People with the FAAHA allele are born in the future will feel the most satisfaction
lucky people. It is the found the least in the in life. Short genes act as an emotional
populations of Arab countries (Iraq, Jordan) fixative. ve effect of MAO-A is nullified by more
and the nations of Southeast Asia (China, expansive testosterone levels. And here's
Hong Kong, Thailand, and Taiwan). Result? WOMEN AT THE TOP something curious – from results of many
The level of life satisfaction is the lowest in A team of American scientists has proved experiments it appears that men with lower
these regions. that the ladies have one extra happy gene. levels of testosterone feel happier than
The monoamine oxidase (MAO-A) helps typical machos!
TRIGGERING AND SETTING them look optimistically at the world. This
gene also occurs in men, but in them it is STAY CALM, IT'S ONLY HALF WAY
EMOTIONS called the warrior's gene, because it releases According to most neuropsychologists, genes
Several hormones affect happiness, amon- aggression, it also promotes alcoholism. In determine our satisfaction with life in 50 % of
gst other antidepressant is serotonin. Its the fairer sex it works the opposite. Altho- us. 10 % depend on external circumstances,
level in the body is raised by products rich ugh women have more mood swings and and on 40 % we have influence ourselves. You
in tryptophan (bananas, egg, beans, chicken anxiety disorders, they have a greater joy of can look at genetic conditions as a half full or
and turkey meat, fish, dairy products) and life than men due to the gentler expression half empty glass. What is important is our way
vitamin B (cereal, brown rice, whole wheat of the gene. of thinking, whether we can see life in a po-
bread, broccoli, nuts), as well as physical Further studies have shown that in sitive light and whether we deal with our own
activity and sun. British scholars from the the not so fair sex, male, the positi- problems, etc.
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