Page 22 - Polska_na_Zdrowie
P. 22
Spring, mineral and medicinal waters
Reaching the store shelf for water, it is worth paying attention effect, it supplemented micronutrients and bioelements
to the information on the label: is it a natural mineral, spring in the body. For this purpose, natural mineral waters are
or medicinal water. Each of them has a different value, prop- used, which are obtained from deep wells. They have
erties and is intended for different people. a constant chemical composition and are quite rich in
minerals. These include Staropolanka, Muszynianka or
Research conducted among Polish consumers showed that Kryniczanka. Because we often lack calcium and magne-
we poorly distinguish bottled waters available on store sium in the diet, we can supplement them by drinking
shelves. Most often, we divide them into two basic groups: adequately mineralized water. Ideally, their ratio is 2:1 –
carbonated and non-carbonated water. We consider every calcium to magnesium, because this is the ratio of these
water to be mineral – which is not true, and in addition, elements in our bones. Drinking a half-gallon bottle of
57% of Poles think that the healthiest water is highly min- water, we can provide the body with even 30-50% of the
eralized, and yet it depends on whom. How to distinguish daily requirement for these elements – it’s like drinking
and choose the right water for you? one glass of milk.
Highly mineralized wa-
Natural spring waters ter – the sum of mineral
Most often we reach components is above
(without even realizing it) 1500 mg/l – due to the
to natural spring waters. high content of bicarbo-
They constitute 75% of all nates, calcium and mag-
waters available on the nesium, it is perfect for
market, and they include daily replenishment of
the most popular brands, these ingredients in the
such as Eden, Żywiec Zdrój body.
or Kropla Beskidu. These Medium mineralized wa-
are mainly low mineralized ters – the sum of mineral
waters, extracted from components is from 500
crystal clear sources, from to 1500 mg/l – the natu-
shallower underground ral origin of minerals and
layers with variable chemi- their optimal composition
cal composition. They are affect their good absorp-
intended for wide use (in- tion by the body.
cluding cooking), without Low mineralized water
dietary or health restric- – w the sum of minerals
tions. They are perfect for is below 500 mg/l – for
making coffee and tea, drinking every day. Rec-
because they emphasize ommended for babies
their taste. It is a good al- and young children and
ternative for tap water, the elderly.
which is treated water, that
is, subjected to many pro- Healing waters
cesses, that it is suitable We can drink natural min-
for consumption and most eral waters and spring wa-
often comes from rivers, ter in any amount. Mean-
whereas bottled waters while, healing waters (for
are exclusively underground. Source waters have very low example, available on the market Zuber or Słotwinka) act as
mineral content (usually 150-500 mg / l), which makes them a medicine, so you should drink them only after consulting
unsuitable for replenishing shortages of bioelements. They your doctor and in accordance with his recommendations.
are recommended for people with hypertension, because Medicinal water drunk sporadically, without the advice of
they contain little salt. They dissolve the nutrients contained a doctor, does not hurt anyone, but is not suitable for eve-
in foods very well, making them more easily digestible. ryday use and quenching thirst.
Pregnant women should not reach for them, because they
wash out precious minerals for them. They are often avail- Table water
able in practical, 5-liter containers. There are also table waters, which do not have the term
“natural” at all, because their composition in the course of
Natural mineral water production is modified and formed as a result of mixing
When choosing water for drinking, it is worth paying at- natural spring water or filtered water supply with various
tention not only to water, but it also had a prophylactic mineral components or with mineral water.
22 Polska na Zdrowie 23
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