Page 53 - Eden_3_4_2018
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                           A DIET FROM UNDER

                               THE MICROSCOPE

                      In dietetics as in fashion there is no lack of new products and trends change
                    every season. Now it’s time for a diet straight from the laboratory! Research and
                     analysis of DNA allows you to choose the type of nutrition that best suits your
                      individual combination of genes. Sounds like science fiction? Perhaps, but the
                                           most important is, it works!

                                                  TEXT: OLGA MISIA

                   Today laboratory tests are the basis the   HOW TO OBTAIN THIS DIET
                   diagnosis of our general health. Scien-  To acquire diet guidelines based on DNA
                   tists and lab advanced equipment can say   testing and analysis, first of all you need
                   a lot from small tissues samples of our   to invest some money. Depending on the
                   (blood, swab from inside the mouth sa-  variant, these services can cost from two to
                   liva). DNA research which is still some-  three thousand zlotys. It is very easy to do-  IT DOES NOT MATTER
                   thing new is gaining in importance. And   wnload material for testing. Following the in-  HOW MUCH YOU PAY,
                   no wonder. It creates possibilities for the   structions you take a smear (usually from the
                   treatment and prevention of diseases!   inside of the mouth), fill out a questionnaire   THE MOST IMPORTANT
                   And for those who want to ... lose weight   and send everything to the address given in   IS WHERE YOU GO
                   also.                                 the instructions. Specialists will then extract
                                                         a great deal of information from the sample   The institution carrying out the
                   WHAT HAS DNA TO DO WITH               you sent in. Subject to the chosen variant,   tests should have the status
                                                         the study will analyse a certain number of
                   LOSING WEIGHT?                                                                       of a medical entity.
                                                         genes that are important for your nutrition.
                   Many factors effects how we look. The   The more genes that are analysed, the better
                   environment that surrounds us, our finan-  the feedback will be. It can be assumed that   It is worth asking not only about the price
                   cial situation, education, relationships with   the optimum is about several dozen genes.  of the tests, but also what we get for that
                   people, nature, but our genetic makeup is   The results obtained in no way resemble   price. Gene testing itself - raw data - can
                   also very important. Our life history, eye   traditional test results. It looks like a book,   take up three or four pages, but this
                   colour, blood group and much more infor-  published in one copy, whose main cha-  information will not tell anyone much.
                   mation is stored in our genes. This genetic   racter is you. Together with the analysis of   The most important is the analysis and
                   expression determines how the body reacts   more than 50 genes important for nutrition,   interpretation of these results and ob-
                   to selected nutrients and how it metaboli-  we have an estimate of 1000 food products.   taining specific, substantive advice from
                   zes them. It is no secret that poor nutrition   In this way you will find out which are be-  geneticists who will analyse your results.
                   can affect the onset of many diseases. In   neficial in terms of your genetic profile. You   Find out also how many food products
                   the same way, good nutrition, tailored to   will also get information about the risk of   will be analysed and whether the report
                   the needs of the body, can work wonders.   overweight from certain foods. With this in-  will contain information on the need for
                   With the results of a DNA test and their   formation you can make your own decisions   macro and microelements and vitamins.
                   appropriate interpretation and analysis,   or ask a dietitian to prepare a personalised
                   this adjustment can be carried out almost   diet. The test result will also determine
                   perfectly.                            what sport and how intensive is best for   THE NEW QUEEN OF DIETS
                     You learn not only which food products   you. Can you lose weight faster by riding a
                   are harmful for you, but also what your   bike or exercising at the gym? Don’t know.   DNA testing allows us to discover the we-
                   microelement needs are, or how efficient   Just follow the advice, and lose weight!  aknesses and strengths of our own body.
                   your detoxification mechanisms are. Such   So where’s the catch? There is a lack of   Whether we use this knowledge, and how we
                   a diet plan eliminates genetic weaknesses,   scientific results from the study of people   use it, depends entirely on us. It is no secret,
                   i.e. changes the way genes work - turns   who used this type of dietary information, so   however, that a diet adapted to the genoty-
                   good on and bad ones off. This informa-  it is difficult to say with 100% certainty that   pe seems to be the most personalized diet
                   tion helps to protect the body and at the   it works. There are many examples that show   possible. Therefore, even though the Dukan
                   same time reduces weight. It is enough to   that changing your nutrition style, matched   diet, gluten-free and hyper protein, is still
                   eliminate foods that work badly for us and   to the genotype, bring results which are spec-  breaking popularity records, there is a good
                   to consume more of those that the body   tacular. And it’s just a moment of surfing on   chance that the DNA-based diet will soon
                   metabolizes well.                     the internet to start the test.       dethrone it.
                                                                                                   MARZEC-KWIECIEŃ 2018   |  EDEN |   53

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